Personal Accident

Claim case sharing

Personal Accident Insurance vs. Medical Insurance

A few years ago, the pedestrian area in Mongkok witnessed three “acid bomb” incidents which injured more than 30 pedestrians. A number of days after the last “acid bomb” incident, a trumpet fell from a building in Mongkok, resulting in a pedestrian being injured and sent to hospital.

Accidents can happen anywhere and anytime, even in small districts. If you have the misfortune of suffering an accidental injury, what kind of insurance can offer you the best protection and what do policies cover?

If the insured is injured in an accident, medical insurance and personal accident insurance will provide a range of protection under different categories.

If the policyholder is injured and sent to hospital, medical receipts and claims submitted by the insured will be covered under their medical insurance. For example, if the insured is injured by a falling object and requires hospitalisation, MediSure Plus insurance would cover the capped cost. Most of the resulting costs, including miscellaneous expenses, intensive care fees and post-hospital follow-up treatment charges, are fully covered unless they exceed the maximum cover limit of the policy.

However, if the insured suffers disablement or death from an accident, indemnity received by claiming the total hospitalisation bill would not be sufficient to cover daily living expenses of the insured and his family. Most personal accident insurances are able to provide a single indemnity to the insured if he/she suffers permanent disablement or accidental death. As for MSIG Personal Protector 3.0, if the insured is killed in an accident, we will offer a single indemnity of a maximum of HK$1 million (the maximum indemnity depends on the insurance policy) for the insured’s family financial support. The insured can also purchase additional temporary disablement coverage with a personal accident policy. If the policyholder is temporarily unable to work due to injuries suffered in the accident, he/she could receive up to 80% of your average weekly earnings to be paid as weekly benefit and up to a maximum of 104 weeks (2 years).

It is, therefore, evident that purchasing a suitable insurance policy for yourself is an important means of providing financial assistance and additional protection for your family if you were to meet with an unfortunate accident.

Terms and conditions at a glance

If I am slightly injured in an accident, will personal accident insurance cover the medication expenses from that accident?
In personal accident insurance, there is usually a “medical protection” section for one to choose from. If the insured chooses the “medical protection” aspect, then he/she can claim medication costs for treatment of injuries suffered in the accident.

Point to note: “Accident injury” mentioned above is precisely defined. Accident refers to an unforeseen or unpredictable incident. Injury refers to injury caused by the accident and does not include any pre-existing ailments or injuries.

Learn more about accident insurance plans